Homework 16/03/24 G'day Mate.

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Homework 16/03/24 G'day Mate.

Post by Ron » Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:55 am

© Ron Boughton 16/03/24

Oh, what is happening to our country, to this, our beautiful land
when being assailed from within, it is so hard to understand,
What seemed once solid foundations, now cracked by radical extremes,
by those thinking their ideologies, have the answers …it seems!
When bonkers, vandal ratbags cut down statues of Captain Cook,
create for opposing mobs, platforms, to spruik the nazi handbook!
It is, as if our country, has some sort of autoimmune disease
that now, will struggle for survival against protests viral sneeze!

For matters not, to many, that we’re losing the value of ‘MATE’
when seeing many city streets, full of unhinged aggressive hate!
Where many there involved, will support any inkling of a cause
against all forms of establishment and therein the country’s laws!
For sure it may not be, the perfect system of all politics
But when one looks around the globe, so many boxes it ticks,
Where all can have an opinion and exercise freedom of vote
Without fear of a system, in punishing dissent by …cut-throat!

Of course, many issues could be improved, of that there is no doubt,
and saying that, it will not happen, when everyone is freaking out!
To unite, not divide should be our goal, and maybe ...we would find
that working together ethically, no one gets left behind.
Add to our culture, any colour, with education the key
to share the true value of mateship …enthusiastically!
But am I only dreaming? human nature, being what it is,
when selfishness can rule the day, then it becomes no cryptic quiz!

Do level playing fields, only exist in a mythical place
in dreams of good intentions and the ethics of ‘Amazing Grace’!
But oh how good it would be, to see those dreams a reality
and see all our history spiced, by a patriotic potpourri!
And it only takes a night, of camping under the stars to see
the Southern Cross embracing all who appreciate being free!
So, do not take it for granted, but aspire to assimilate,
and find an undiscovered sanctuary, where all will call you MATE!

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Re: Homework 16/03/24 G'day Mate.

Post by alongtimegone » Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:19 pm

An interesting poem Ron. Is mateship still as important to Australians as we'd like to believe. "The Australian Cohesion Index 2023 found (there were) enhancements in overall health and levels of education, alongside decreases in trust of the federal government and a decline in the sense of national pride and belonging."
Check out this article ......https://medium.com/psych-pstuff/social- ... c212785411

Enjoyed reading your poem Ron.


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Re: Homework 16/03/24 G'day Mate.

Post by Ron » Sat Mar 16, 2024 8:23 pm

Thanks Wazza, pleased that you enjoyed it.
That is a very interesting article alright. I guess part of it is the price we pay for all this technology that consumes so much of our lives these days.
Certainly raises concern for the future!

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Re: Homework 16/03/24 G'day Mate.

Post by Terry » Mon Mar 18, 2024 2:18 pm

G/day Ron

Reading your poems it seems like me you look around and despair at what you see.
I suppose we're living in the past a bit but that's what happens when you remember how things used to be.
It wasn't perfect that's for sure, but I'm glad I lived and grew up in that era.
We may have made huge improvements in medicine and science, but we've paid a heavy price in other areas.
To me we seem to have lost that something special that came with being an Australian,
sure, there is still a bit of that, but it's not the Australia I used to know - Showing my age I guess,
and must admit I'm getting a bit long in the tooth - those I've still got.

Cheers Ron


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Re: Homework 16/03/24 G'day Mate.

Post by Ron » Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:35 am

Yep, I reckon we are on the same wave length there Terry, it certainly doesn't seem as free and easy as it was in our younger days, although I think we had more discipline and respect! Seems to be more controlled in this era. Or are we just grumpy old men as they say! :lol:
I was at the Doctors waiting room this morning and a young girl there had a pair of jeans on full of holes, made me think that when we were young, if we had to wear holey jeans it certainly wasn't a fashion statement!
Thanks for reading and commenting mate.

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Re: Homework 16/03/24 G'day Mate.

Post by Catherine Lee » Tue Mar 26, 2024 3:11 pm

Yes, I think a lot of us would feel the same about many of these points, Ron. It seems there is much the world has lost, and respect and discipline are two excellent examples. As Terry says, we have paid a heavy price for our improvements along the way - and like him, I am very grateful to have grown up in a different era.

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Re: Homework 16/03/24 G'day Mate.

Post by Ron » Wed Mar 27, 2024 8:02 pm

Yes Catherine, I think we have been very fortunate in the era we have grown up in.
I feel it is a worry though for future generations where there seems to be such a lack of certainty for tomorrow.
Thanks for reading and commenting. :)

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Re: Homework 16/03/24 G'day Mate.

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sun Apr 07, 2024 1:05 pm

Totally relateable sadly - I miss the simple kindness that used to be so common but these days seems not so much. I am finding every day living more than a trifle scary these days .No sure if that is because I am overthinking things or if it is just old age starting to impact :roll:
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Re: Homework 16/03/24 G'day Mate.

Post by Ron » Mon Apr 08, 2024 12:26 pm

Thanks Maureen, yes I know what you mean regarding the kindness of old, might be something to do with the pace of life these days!
Also I think as we get older overthinking things and age seem to go hand in hand to a certain degree! :(

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