Homework April 2024 'On the Wings of a Whim'

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Homework April 2024 'On the Wings of a Whim'

Post by Terry » Sat Apr 13, 2024 3:01 pm

On The wings Of a Whim
There’s a peacefulness you sense here from the moment you arrive
and you wonder if this helped those early settlers to survive.
With the trickling of a creek that seems to sing its own sweet song,
as it wends on past the homestead as it gently flows along.
And I wonder what had tempted me to head on out this way,
was it just a whim, or something else, that lured me here today?

Though the old house was still standing, all its people are long gone,
yet you sense a presence - do their ghostly auras still live on?
For their imprints still survive in clues left scattered all around,
even badly mottled photos from those days can still be found.
Showing ladies in their wide brimmed hats and bonnets that they wore
and the whiskery old men as well - back in those days of yore.

It’s like peeping back into the past when stepping through the door,
you can feel it all around you with the creaking of the floor.
And there’s something seems to haunt’s this place, or is it only me,
with imagination tracking to a time that used to be.
While an eerie sense of being watched is ever present too
and the rooms are full of old house sounds that seem to echo through.

This awakens childhood memories of things I used to know
and remembered from the stories Dad had told me years ago.
And I feel that I’m intruding here with every step I take,
it’s like treading on their dreams once forged in hope and some heartbreak.
Yet, it has survived until this day, though somewhat fragile now,
sadly, through neglect, I sense it’s use-by date is near somehow.

©T.E. Piggott

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Re: Homework April 2024 'On the Wings of a Whim'

Post by Ron » Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:27 am

Well done Terry, yes it is amazing where doing something on a 'whim' can take the imagination.
Great line, 'yet you sense a presence - do their ghostly auras still live on?' that once again captures so well the scenario 'if those walls could talk!'
Enjoyed the read mate,

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Re: Homework April 2024 'On the Wings of a Whim'

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sun Apr 14, 2024 12:57 pm

Just lovely Terry - I really enjoyed reading it and I love the title you chose as well - Excellent :D Rooms full of old house sounds - that works really well - Inspired choice that is :idea:

Excellent use made of the prompts Terry - I hope you might consider entering this into some comps - I reckon it has great potential.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Re: Homework April 2024 'On the Wings of a Whim'

Post by Terry » Sun Apr 14, 2024 2:52 pm

Thanks Ron & Maureen

This poem is based on my family’s old pioneer home on Torbay creek
My last visit before it burnt down. (And I did go out there on a sudden Whim!)
It sadly burnt down, when cyclone Alby roared all the way down the WA coastline to its southernmost reaches. The house had not been lived in for many years and unforgivingly, a cousin of mine was hatching chickens in one of the rooms using a kero heater that somehow blew over.
my granddad lived here, he died at 84 – 87 years ago - years before I was even born

I have used the old place for inspiration before - there was always a bit of magic there - and such a peaceful setting.


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Re: Homework April 2024 'On the Wings of a Whim'

Post by alongtimegone » Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:41 pm

Great poem Terry. I love the lyric and I use that word because the poem is so emotional and imaginative. In essence ... lyrical.

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Re: Homework April 2024 'On the Wings of a Whim'

Post by Terry » Thu Apr 18, 2024 2:38 pm

Thanks Wazza

Your comments appreciated mate.


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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework April 2024 'On the Wings of a Whim'

Post by Catherine Lee » Fri Apr 26, 2024 7:22 pm

This is a beautiful and atmospheric poem, Terry. As always, you take me right along with you as you paint such clear scenes. Love it!

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Re: Homework April 2024 'On the Wings of a Whim'

Post by Terry » Sat Apr 27, 2024 7:42 pm

Thanks Catherine

You are always so generous with your comments.


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