Homework April: Sudden Recall

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Catherine Lee
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Homework April: Sudden Recall

Post by Catherine Lee » Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:39 pm

Sudden Recall

Age seems to cloud the memories of decades long gone by
as badly mottled photo seems to taunt and bring a sigh.
Yet there I am upon the grass, broad grin across my face -
so why is focus lacking as in vain I try to place
the names and date? With nothing on the back that could assist,
frustration grips - I force my brain to doggedly persist.
The elegance of ladies in their best and biggest hat,
a gentleman with scratchy whiskers – who on earth is that?

The recognition’s vague of this occasion long ago –
yet certainly it’s me, a child, at centre stage below.
These people can’t be long forgotten - that I’ll not accept,
for somewhere in my mind such celebrations must be kept...
But wait! Upon my lap is poised my little pampered pet -
superior, assured of love, a sphinx I can’t forget!
That Siamese whose glistening eyes would track my every move -
assured of his position, Star had not one thing to prove.

And instantly they come to me - the animals at first.
I nod as I evoke each one, from best to naughty worst:
The pup that followed - little Fitz, that energetic scamp,
then Prince the noble pedigree who proved to be a champ.
Old Smokey Joe the Russian Blue, aloof and so refined
and slothful Spud who when we went away had always pined.
At last, as if awakened from a long and misty dream,
remembrance lights up every single person, in a stream.

Not lost to me, of course! The generations I recall
as if it had been yesterday - I swiftly name them all:
Great-Grandpa Joe, and Grandma Rose, and horrid Cousin Jim,
and Aunty Phyl with Uncle Reggie (what became of him?)
A few friends too are in the shot I dimly recognise -
I find the magnifying glass and further scrutinise,
then spot the doll I coveted with wheedling sighs and tears -
my seventh birthday treasure, which I’ve kept throughout the years!

And standing right behind me, tender hand upon my hair,
Mum’s blurry face, now clear, and Dad’s - both beaming proudly there.
Warm pleasure floods my senses of that happy, special scene,
and relatives long past and gone appear as on a screen.
I reminisce on each with love and gratitude in spades,
and know I won’t forget – such deep contentment never fades!
I list all twenty-five with ease who link our family chain,
to cherish in my heart and mind, forever to remain.

© Catherine Lee, 2024

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Re: Homework April: Sudden Recall

Post by Terry » Sat Apr 27, 2024 7:57 pm

Wow Catherine, that's some trip down memory lane.
And it's a story told beautifully - You have also made very good use of the Prompts.
I particularly liked the way you have woven individual bits and pieces throughout the poem,
but still always stayed on course throughout.


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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Homework April: Sudden Recall

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:53 pm

Oh that touches my heart - and that is because you remembered the animals. These prompts directly related to looking through a friends beautiful old photo albums, and when I asked the name of the dog, or the horse in the pictures, no one knew or remembered. :cry: That upset me considerably more than it probably should have. So I am delighted to see that Fitz, Prince, Spud and Smokey Joe got a mention along with the rellies along with that cherished doll.

Your words paint a wonderful picture of a close and loving family where all are cherished and considered worthy. Well done you ....Love it
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Re: Homework April: Sudden Recall

Post by Ron » Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:25 am

What a beautiful poem Catherine, and great use of the prompts!
I always think the pets one has had over the years are like a certain chapter in your life and you have illustrated this perfectly in your poem.
Also most people could relate to the 'Grandma Roses and the horrid cousin Jims' etc. in their own family history no doubt.
Once again you have created beautiful word pictures of memory in an excellent poem!
Thank you,

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework April: Sudden Recall

Post by Catherine Lee » Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:28 pm

What truly lovely comments – thank you, Terry, Maureen and Ron! I so much appreciate your valuable feedback, as always. Thank you, Terry, for your very kind comment and reassurance that I’ve stayed on course throughout … and yes, Maureen, I do remember all of our animals, right back to when I was a small child and Sooty the little black kitten was a beloved member of our family. I could never forget any of them, and your words are extremely touching – thank you!...Ron, thank you so much also - I agree with you about pets representing chapters in our lives, and I am very happy to read how you could relate to this poem…. Thank you all so much!

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Gary Harding
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Re: Homework April: Sudden Recall

Post by Gary Harding » Wed May 01, 2024 3:26 pm

Catherine, I found "Sudden Recall" to be a very pleasant journey through some of your early life.. pets and people... and happily written in a style that is easy to read too. For lazy readers like myself, that was a blessing!

Nothing complex and neither was it too long. It was a relaxed poem inviting the reader to feel what you are writing about, and of course your poem comes with the confident style of one who has been writing for years and succeeded, which is of course a fact... and won Lots of comps I might say!! haha

I have never had any pets in my life, unless chooks a few years ago count.. but they were really garbage in and eggs out.... jumping the neighbour's fence and damaging her garden much to her understandable annoyance. So dogs are a mystery, and relating emotionally to that pet experience is difficult.. at least for me.

Having photos waiting for examination though I can otherwise relate to, having inherited several boxes full. I put that task off for that tomorrow which never comes.

The faces come alive a lot as you infer... as do the memories and one says "Oh I wish Mum and Dad were here to tell me who that person is... where this was taken..." But they aren't. And so I find I want to walk away from it all in tears. But that is being negative.. and your poem is so Positive!

Catherine, if you can score twenty-five out of twenty-five in a photo then you are absolutely brilliant.. what a memory you must have..and you better get writing them down on the back of the photo quickly! and for other photos too.
Your rhyme in couplets was very neat and innovative. In fact it was perhaps the most outstanding feature technically as none were awkward or contrived.

They just naturally fell into place, which is the mark of the really experienced and capable poet... and what all good things in life should be like. It has to feel Natural, doesn't it, and your poem certainly does.

Anyway a Huge WELL DONE for your work and thank you for taking the time to share it here too. Your writing is always so interesting, among all the other things it is!!!


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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework April: Sudden Recall

Post by Catherine Lee » Sat May 04, 2024 5:22 pm

Thank you so much, Gary, for such a detailed and encouraging response. I’m so happy to hear that you found this poem to be a smooth, positive and easy read, and am grateful for your highly complimentary words on my poetry in general!….Yes, we had chooks too, and I doubt I’ll ever forget the distinctive smell of the chook house. Once when I was about eight or so and I’d had an argument with Mum and Dad, I left a note threatening to run away and live in the chook house for a while – what a bizarre thing for a child to say, ha! I wish they’d kept that note – I seem to recall saying they could still pay me my pocket money but just leave it on a shelf there or something - it would be hilarious to read this now!….But I digress – yes, going through old photos is certainly a massive project. There are some faces that come in and out of our lives briefly that will never be known, but when it comes to school class photos for example, I can pretty much name every name way back to primary school. (Having said that, my short-term memory is appalling of late, which I suppose is normal as we get older but it is exceedingly frustrating, especially in conversation when even some words escape me, let alone experiences and/or people!)...Anyway, thanks so much once again for this wonderful feedback – I really appreciate it.

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