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March Homework - Collaborative Poem

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 12:01 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Here you go folks, I've chosen a current event, something we are all familiar with, which sees our nation yet again under threat and this time in areas so isolated that help comes slowly and with a huge degree of difficulty. Spare a thought for these people - they may well have lost everything :cry:

So copy and paste this stanza onto your own post and add your verse onto it with your initials at the end and we can watch our collaborative poem grow

We all live in Australia, we know the joy that brings
but right now with the flooding we wish that we had wings.
Our Northern Territory folks in the communities
are getting just a trifle wet - from rivers they must flee.
The folk at Pigeon Hole have left - the army came to help
thank God they saved the little dog that was about to whelp -
the kids of course thought it great fun but on the adult's faces
we saw the fear, the stress and strain - the lines no time erases.