Homework for April 2024 - PEOPLE LONG FORGOTTEN

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Maureen K Clifford
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Homework for April 2024 - PEOPLE LONG FORGOTTEN

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Apr 09, 2024 9:48 am

PEOPLE LONG FORGOTTEN … Maureen Clifford © The #ScribblyBarkPoet

The girl was only five or maybe six - the years fly fast.
Age seems to cloud the memories with a haze.
But she sat on the carpet beside Granny’s rocking chair.
Together they explored the good old days.

Her Gran, now in her nineties, was slowly turning pages
and pointing out the things she liked to share,
whilst musing over pictures, those taken through the ages;
one clawed and birdlike hand smoothed the girls hair.

With age some prints were mottled and others badly faded
and some folks features now were indistinct.
Whilst some were set on cardstock and elegantly portrayed,
others were simple ones with edges pinked.

They showed people in places the small girl had never been.
One showed a massive ship tied to a Quay.
"Your Grandpa’s ship, the ‘Melbourne’ before her fateful trip
that saw" she said " your Grandpa lost to me."

Some photos were of horses, sheep and boys with working dogs,
and small dogs alongside girls gowned in lace,
and ladies with the biggest hats that you have ever seen.
Young men with scratchy whiskers on their face.

And lots of wedding photos, some quite simple, others grand
and family portraits - folks posed in their best,
with suits, shined boots, long dresses, with stiff whalebone in their stays.
Folks long departed to their final rest.

The little girl moved closer for something had caught her eye.
"Who are those people there Gran? What’s their name?
Who owned the dog - do you know? Where was the picture taken?
I know that house but it’s not quite the same."

Her Gran held the book closer to the light and peered within
and turned a page or two and then went back.
She stared into the distance and then once again she looked.
Try as she might the puzzle would not crack.

" I don’t recall Jess darling, just exactly who they are
though I knew them, of that fact I am sure."
Her brow became frown furrowed and distress showed in her eyes,
her voice had become shaky, immature.

"They’re people long forgotten; now nobody knows their name.
It wasn’t written down in black and white
for future generations seeking a name, date and place
when researching their history as they might.

It’s something to be mindful of when pictures you might take
one can’t always rely on memory."
"It’s OK Gran" the small child said " I’ll never forget you
for safe within my heart you’ll always be."
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Re: Homework for April 2024 - PEOPLE LONG FORGOTTEN

Post by alongtimegone » Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:43 pm

Lovely poem Maureen. Beautifully told. A little sad too as most of us will have people long forgotten in our past.

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Re: Homework for April 2024 - PEOPLE LONG FORGOTTEN

Post by Terry » Sat Apr 13, 2024 2:47 pm

Hi Maureen

Precious moments indeed to share time with our grandchildren - sadly that times so fleeting.
Even more so today I suspect, kids seem to grow up so quick.
Lovely poem Maureen and so real to life in an era that used to be.


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Re: Homework for April 2024 - PEOPLE LONG FORGOTTEN

Post by Ron » Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:07 am

A very touching poem Maureen and one which I'm sure could be related to by many people.
It gave me flashbacks of seeing my own Mum explaining past pics and memorabilia to her Grandkids and Great Grandkids in her later years.
And from the rocking chair too of course.
Well done,

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Homework for April 2024 - PEOPLE LONG FORGOTTEN

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sun Apr 14, 2024 12:51 pm

Thank you all for your kind comments which I much appreciated :D

By the way Wazza I posted one of your earlier poems up on the ARP page - https://www.facebook.com/AustralianRhymingPoets/

Just key Wazza in the search box and you will find them :)
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework for April 2024 - PEOPLE LONG FORGOTTEN

Post by Catherine Lee » Fri Apr 26, 2024 7:19 pm

A lovely, poignant poem, Maureen, to which we can all relate. How often have we turned a photo over to discover to our sorrow and frustration that there is no name and no date recorded? This really says it all.

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