Collaborative Poem 17 - The Real Christmas

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Maureen K Clifford
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Location: Ipswich - Paul Pisasale country and home of the Ipswich Poetry Feast

Re: Collaborative Poem 17 - The Real Christmas

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:34 am

There’s prawns on the barbie and beer in the fridge
Christmas is coming and it’s ridgie didge.
Family will visit there’s sure to be a big fight
It will start in the morning and go into the night.

Old Uncle Rory will drink his fair share
and laugh as he tosses the kids in the air.
The new trampoline will claim a few bones
turning peals of giggles to agonised groans.

Auntie Mary is coming so that's not a good sign
she gets quite aggressive when she gets on the wine.
Bills bringing his pig dogs that should be a real treat
and to top it all off the kelpie's on heat.

The chooks are not laying so no ham and egg dinner
The shops have all closed so we will all get a lot slimmer
The Christmas tree has got woodworm and is wilting to boot
Aunt Margaret has gone skinny dipping, what a hoot.

What's worse is she's in there with Great Uncle Phil
who's also the husband of her sister Lil -
they’ve being quite naughty, that can't be denied.
Mum says, "Cover your eyes kids, you'd best be inside."

Then up rolls young Billy, nissed as a pewt
His girlfriend is with him, her eyes puffed up beaut
They've been having a blue in the car on the way
and he's rarin' to fight with somebody today.

"Hey how are you Billy," says first cousin Jack,
but Billy decides to go on the attack.
Instead of a greeting and warm friendly chat,
poor Jack cops a right hook that knocks him down flat.

Then his girlfriend piles in with an old cricket bat
hit's uncle Rory for six with an almighty splat.
But Jack is a tough coot, he’s quickly back on his toes
then he lands a straight left on uncle Phils nose.


Aunt Mary's all fired up so she joins in the race
there's kids and dogs flying all over the place.
Old Jack has recovered and heads for a rum
but trips on the tree and falls flat on his bum.


Bill's still full of booze and a bad attitude
He needs a good smacking – he really is rude.
His pig dog wades in and gives Bill’s bum a bite
which is pay back for the clout Bill gave him last night
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Bob Pacey
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Re: Collaborative Poem 17 - The Real Christmas

Post by Bob Pacey » Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:59 pm

There’s prawns on the barbie and beer in the fridge
Christmas is coming and it’s ridgie didge.
Family will visit there’s sure to be a big fight
It will start in the morning and go into the night.

Old Uncle Rory will drink his fair share
and laugh as he tosses the kids in the air.
The new trampoline will claim a few bones
turning peals of giggles to agonised groans.

Auntie Mary is coming so that's not a good sign
she gets quite aggressive when she gets on the wine.
Bills bringing his pig dogs that should be a real treat
and to top it all off the kelpie's on heat.

The chooks are not laying so no ham and egg dinner
The shops have all closed so we will all get a lot slimmer
The Christmas tree has got woodworm and is wilting to boot
Aunt Margaret has gone skinny dipping, what a hoot.

What's worse is she's in there with Great Uncle Phil
who's also the husband of her sister Lil -
they're being quite naughty, that can't be denied.
Mum says, "Cover your eyes kids, you'd best be inside."

Then up rolls young Billy, nissed as a pewt
His girlfriend is with him, her eyes puffed up beaut
They've been having a blue in the car on the way
and he's rarin' to fight with somebody today.

"Hey how are you Billy," says first cousin Jack,
but Billy decides to go on the attack.
Instead of a greeting and warm friendly chat,
poor Jack cops a right hook that knocks him down flat.

Then his girlfriend piles in with an old cricket bat
hit's uncle Rory for six with an almighty splat.
But Jack is a tough coot, he’s quickly back on his toes
then he lands a straight left on uncle Phils nose.


Aunt Mary's all fired up so she joins in the race
there's kids and dogs flying all over the place.
Old Jack has recovered and heads for a rum
but trips on the tree and falls flat on his bum.


Bill's still full of booze and a bad attitude
He needs a good smacking – he really is rude.
His pig dog wades in and gives Bill’s bum a bite
which is pay back for the clout Bill gave him last night

The tree caught on fire from Jacks big cigar
the flames singed poor grannies new budgerigar.
Someone threw a bucket of water, just for a lark
now everyone's screaming and the room has gone dark.

The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

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Maureen K Clifford
Posts: 8108
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:31 am
Location: Ipswich - Paul Pisasale country and home of the Ipswich Poetry Feast

Re: Collaborative Poem 17 - The Real Christmas

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:01 pm

There’s prawns on the barbie and beer in the fridge
Christmas is coming and it’s ridgie didge.
Family will visit there’s sure to be a big fight
It will start in the morning and go into the night.

Old Uncle Rory will drink his fair share
and laugh as he tosses the kids in the air.
The new trampoline will claim a few bones
turning peals of giggles to agonised groans.

Auntie Mary is coming so that's not a good sign
she gets quite aggressive when she gets on the wine.
Bills bringing his pig dogs that should be a real treat
and to top it all off the kelpie's on heat.

The chooks are not laying so no ham and egg dinner
The shops have all closed so we will all get a lot slimmer
The Christmas tree has got woodworm and is wilting to boot
Aunt Margaret has gone skinny dipping, what a hoot.

What's worse is she's in there with Great Uncle Phil
who's also the husband of her sister Lil -
they’re being quite naughty, that can't be denied.
Mum says, "Cover your eyes kids, you'd best be inside."

Then up rolls young Billy, nissed as a pewt
His girlfriend is with him, her eyes puffed up beaut
They've been having a blue in the car on the way
and he's rarin' to fight with somebody today.

"Hey how are you Billy," says first cousin Jack,
but Billy decides to go on the attack.
Instead of a greeting and warm friendly chat,
poor Jack cops a right hook that knocks him down flat.

Then his girlfriend piles in with an old cricket bat
hit's uncle Rory for six with an almighty splat.
But Jack is a tough coot, he’s quickly back on his toes
then he lands a straight left on uncle Phils nose.


Aunt Mary's all fired up so she joins in the race
there's kids and dogs flying all over the place.
Old Jack has recovered and heads for a rum
but trips on the tree and falls flat on his bum.


Bill's still full of booze and a bad attitude
He needs a good smacking – he really is rude.
His pig dog wades in and gives Bill’s bum a bite
which is pay back for the clout Bill gave him last night

The tree caught on fire from Jacks big cigar
the flames singed poor grannies new budgerigar.
Someone threw a bucket of water, just for a lark
now everyone's screaming and the room has gone dark.


That’s an opportunity just too good to miss
thought Mary and on Phils lips planted a kiss
but Phil thought ‘twas Jack being stupid and frisky
and clobbered him with a full bottle of whiskey
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Bob Pacey
Posts: 7479
Joined: Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:18 am
Location: Yeppoon

Re: Collaborative Poem 17 - The Real Christmas

Post by Bob Pacey » Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:32 am

There’s prawns on the barbie and beer in the fridge
Christmas is coming and it’s ridgie didge.
Family will visit there’s sure to be a big fight
It will start in the morning and go into the night.

Old Uncle Rory will drink his fair share
and laugh as he tosses the kids in the air.
The new trampoline will claim a few bones
turning peals of giggles to agonised groans.

Auntie Mary is coming so that's not a good sign
she gets quite aggressive when she gets on the wine.
Bills bringing his pig dogs that should be a real treat
and to top it all off the kelpie's on heat.

The chooks are not laying so no ham and egg dinner
The shops have all closed so we will all get a lot slimmer
The Christmas tree has got woodworm and is wilting to boot
Aunt Margaret has gone skinny dipping, what a hoot.

What's worse is she's in there with Great Uncle Phil
who's also the husband of her sister Lil -
they’re being quite naughty, that can't be denied.
Mum says, "Cover your eyes kids, you'd best be inside."

Then up rolls young Billy, nissed as a pewt
His girlfriend is with him, her eyes puffed up beaut
They've been having a blue in the car on the way
and he's rarin' to fight with somebody today.

"Hey how are you Billy," says first cousin Jack,
but Billy decides to go on the attack.
Instead of a greeting and warm friendly chat,
poor Jack cops a right hook that knocks him down flat.

Then his girlfriend piles in with an old cricket bat
hit's uncle Rory for six with an almighty splat.
But Jack is a tough coot, he’s quickly back on his toes
then he lands a straight left on uncle Phils nose.


Aunt Mary's all fired up so she joins in the race
there's kids and dogs flying all over the place.
Old Jack has recovered and heads for a rum
but trips on the tree and falls flat on his bum.


Bill's still full of booze and a bad attitude
He needs a good smacking – he really is rude.
His pig dog wades in and gives Bill’s bum a bite
which is pay back for the clout Bill gave him last night

The tree caught on fire from Jacks big cigar
the flames singed poor grannies new budgerigar.
Someone threw a bucket of water, just for a lark
now everyone's screaming and the room has gone dark.


That’s an opportunity just too good to miss
thought Mary and on Phils lips planted a kiss
but Phil thought ‘twas Jack being stupid and frisky
and clobbered him with a full bottle of whiskey

When things settled down they all went to sleep quick
they all missed the visit from good old Saint Nick.
Not one could remember the fight it was clear
but said what a great Christmas lets do it next year .

The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

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