A "How To" Guide for Creating Your Own Poetry Index

An index of the ABPA Member's poetry and/or yarns submitted on this Forum and maintained by the respective members.
To access any of the Member's works on this Forum, either click on the 'Title' or simply copy the 'Title' from the Member's post and paste it into the 'Search' field (upper right-hand corner)
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A "How To" Guide for Creating Your Own Poetry Index

Post by Peely » Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:43 pm

To set up your own index, you need to start a new topic.

Start by entering a line like, "Below are all of the poems on these forums by (Your Name):"

Then open a new tab/window in your browser and load up this forum. Go into the "View Your Posts" link on the top RHS of the screen by clicking the link. Look for the topics where you are the author - you should hopefully be able to recognise the ones that are your poems. If you are unsure, click the link to see and hit the back button on your browser if it is not a poem to go back to the list. For the ones that are poems, click the link to open and copy the URL from the browser.

Go back to the original tab/window where you started the new topic. Click the URL button at the top of the post window. After the URL text in the first bracket, hit the = key, then paste (ctrl v). In between the brackets, type the name of the poem. It should look something like this:

(url=viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1282)A Bushman Slowly Dying(/url)

To illustrate the above, I have swapped the square brackets with round ones.

Repeat the process for each poem. As you put new poems up, edit the post to add the new links. You can then post to let others know that updates have been made if you wish.


Conversely, all you need to do is make a list of all the poems you've posted (IN THE ABPA FORUM) and post in this section.

Yourself and others can then simply copy the title of your piece (poem OR yarn), then paste it into "Search", found in the top right hand corner of this, (and every window (* FAQ * Search * Members * User Control Panel)

And voila ... :)
John Peel - The Man from Gilmore Creek

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Re: A "How To" Guide for Creating Your Own Poetry Index

Post by alongtimegone » Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:10 am

Thanks John. Think I'll try that. Easier than going through the View your postseach time I can't remember if I've posted a poem or not.

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