Gambler's Anonymous

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Gambler's Anonymous

Post by Terry » Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:05 pm

Gamblers Anonymous

The coffee mob have got the gambling bug and lotto is its name,
one hundred dollars entry fee for anyone who’s game.
Excitement is at fever pitch all up and down the Lynwood mall,
a hundred million up for grabs - they’re sure to win it all.

A lass who hails from Canada has rashly joined the aging throng,
caught up in all the ballyhoo that nothing can go wrong.
Excitement ripples through their ranks with secret dreams of what they’ll do,
with all these sudden riches, if their hopes could just come true.

Then comes the day the draw was due and fate would look them in the eye,
so, would they pull it off, or kiss a hundred bucks goodbye.
With eyes glued to the tele, they watch it all unfold with bated breath,
and each and every ball that falls, is like the kiss of death.

But all is not yet loss, a minor prize has brought back smiles once more,
we’ll show the doubters we’re not beat and that’s for bloom’en sure.
With eighty bucks we had a sporting chance to build again our pot,
we put it on the weekend draw - and lost the flamen lot.

The benches are now calm again, the Coffee Mob a chasten bunch,
first came the dreams of fortunes, and then came that fatal crunch.
And while there’s some who may be sniggering, and some who even scoff!
Beware my doubting friends – it would be rash to write us off!

©T.E. Piggott

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Gambler's Anonymous

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sun Jul 02, 2023 11:09 am

Good one Terry - I too succumb every new and then to the lure of Lotto but truth to tell have better luck backing the horses, but since I am now firmly against horse racing that doesn't happen with the $'s but I still manage to pick out a few winners at Melbourne Cup time even if I don't splash the cash to support the industry.
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Re: Gambler's Anonymous

Post by Terry » Sun Jul 02, 2023 10:37 pm

Thanks Maureen

Just a bit of fun, none of us are gamblers really, in fact I rarely even buy a lotto ticket.
But the $100,000,000 was tempting despite the horrendous odds needed to win.
Well, I suppose we added to the jackpot.

The old coffee group are always ready to try something a bit darting.


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Re: Gambler's Anonymous

Post by Ron » Tue Jul 04, 2023 2:50 pm

Ha ha, good one Terry! yes have been down that road a few times too, but like you, only a rare flutter now and again.
Earlier this year while up the coast with a group of friends we did a similiar thing, but it was only $40 per couple. I think we ended up with four decreasing
entries before our last one, which was $20 didn't return a thing.


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Re: Gambler's Anonymous

Post by Terry » Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:33 pm

Thanks Ron

There were 8 of us silly enough to give it a go, we started of with nine,
but one got an attack of common sense and backed out.

My whole life has been a gamble either digging foe opal or prospecting for gold,
so have never had a need for this sort of thing but couldn't resist joining the oldies in this bit of madness.

Cheers Terry

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Gambler's Anonymous

Post by Catherine Lee » Mon Jul 10, 2023 6:39 pm

Ha! Very good, Terry. I haven't bought a ticket in decades - I was never particularly lucky with anything like that anyway so it's probably just as well. Enjoyed this read :)

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Re: Gambler's Anonymous

Post by Terry » Tue Jul 11, 2023 4:16 pm

Thanks Catherine

I seldom do lotto or any other form of gambling either,
as mentioned before most of my life has been a bit of an adventure anyway.

With the exception of the Canadian lass the coffee group are nearly all over 80,
but still game to have a go.


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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Gambler's Anonymous

Post by Shelley Hansen » Wed Aug 02, 2023 2:22 pm

Good one, Terry~ I'm not a lotto supporter myself - I prefer to invest in less risky options!

I remember there was once a syndicate at work who never won anything much. When they disbanded it, one bloke remarked that the refund money he got back from kitty (which was just his payments in advance) was more than the entire winnings of the previous 5 years! I think he got back about $30. I rest my case!
Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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