Vale Ellis Campbell ...

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David Campbell
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Re: Vale Ellis Campbell ...

Post by David Campbell » Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:05 am

Beautifully done, Will.


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Catherine Lee
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Re: Vale Ellis Campbell ...

Post by Catherine Lee » Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:52 pm

I second that - absolutely beautiful Will!

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Re: Vale Ellis Campbell ...

Post by vwalla » Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:00 am

A great Tribute Will. Thank you.
Val W

Duncan Williams
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Re: Vale Ellis Campbell ...

Post by Duncan Williams » Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:53 pm

at just about every bush poetry breakfast or event , Ellis Campbell would always be along side our bush poets. either on stage or listening in the crowd. Ellis was a kind gentleman that we use to see a lot on stage and in poetry journals.

Duncan Williams.

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Brenda Joy
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Re: Vale Ellis Campbell ...

Post by Brenda Joy » Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:43 pm

For those in the vicinity, Greg has put the arrangements for Ellis's funeral on the homepage.
The ABPA will be placing a wreath and we have sent a bereavement card from the membership

Sing HU to open your heart.

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Brenda Joy
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Re: Vale Ellis Campbell ...

Post by Brenda Joy » Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:42 am

The following sent to Ellis family for the funeral tomorrow on behalf of all those who, like us, cannot be there.

From the Australian Bush Poets Association

On behalf of the ABPA committee and membership, please know that there is a whole community in Australia and beyond, who are deeply saddened by the passing over of such a wonderful mentor, confidant and friend. There will never ever be another Ellis Campbell and the bush poetry 'family' acknowledges and mourns the loss of one of its greats of all times.
Ellis, your legacy and spirit will endure.
Hal Pritchard

Ellis's own poem, A Sacrifice Supreme expresses in his poignant capacity, what the family must be going through...
"As I watched her -- unbelieving -- tears were streaming down her cheek
and I knew a sorrow none might comprehend.
Oh the darkest days of grieving, with their vacant hours bleak
seemed a vivid nightmare surely soon to end.

While the hordes of neighbours calling shared our sorrow as they could
and their kindliness consoled us in a way --
our despair was ever galling; and so much misunderstood
and we sorrowed for desires gone astray."

He certainly had a wonderful way with words. During this period of intense grieving, there are many around who try to help but no-one can alleviate the pain.

My poem to Ellis which he shared and loved -- just another way that he knew whilst here, how we all felt about him.

A Tribute
© Brenda Joy, 2013

The foremost poet of our time
the master-craftsman of the rhyme,
you’ve laid aside your pen to take your rest.
You’ve led a long and fruitful life
with friends and kin and loving wife
while all your rich endeavours gained success.

Bush Poets owe you endless debt.
We are unlikely to forget
the contributions of your thoughts and quill.
You generously shared as sage
— in books, through workshops, on the stage —
the breadth of your experience and skill.

You wove the fabric of your years,
the threads from outback, bush careers,
into your tapestry of life’s vignettes.
In talented “poetic haze”
you relived feats of younger days —
the richness of your age left no regrets.

The shearer, stockman, vagabond,
the folk who ventured out beyond,
all tread your volumes of enchanting verse.
Your wisdom, love and inner sight
— compassion for the human plight —
are pools in which your characters immerse.

The partners through your life-time’s course,
the friendships formed with mate or horse,
the valour and courageousness of steed,
all intermingle on your page,
whilst Nature’s grandeur sets the stage —
the ‘Outback’ where both Man and beast are freed.

Alive with sight and sound and smell,
expansive land you loved so well,
emerges in your undulating flow.
Describing through a painter’s eyes
you colour “unrelenting skies”
with “burnished sun” and evening’s “russet glow”.

You ride the range or “shadowed vale” —
a masterpiece in every tale,
like magic memories from mists of dawn.
You bring in focus “languid trees”,
the “tawny grass”, the “fickle breeze”
where bushmen’s camp-light melodies are born.

Our inspiration, mentor, friend,
your influence will never end,
your place in writing history's secure.
Ambassador for land out west,
through what you’ve given we’ve been blessed.
The Ellis Campbell legend will endure.
Sing HU to open your heart.

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Brenda Joy
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Re: Vale Ellis Campbell ...

Post by Brenda Joy » Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:05 pm

Terry Regan, who has been such a support to Ellis's family during his latter years and towards the funeral, sent through the following for those of us unable to attend...

"The funeral was a wonderful tribute to Ellis, and also to Maureen and the family. It was conducted in a magnificent stone church which holds 200 people, including standing, and there were about 50 people who could not get in. Maureen was quite composed and all the family took part.To cap it off, it was a lovely sunny day."

In poetry
Sing HU to open your heart.

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Re: Vale Ellis Campbell ...

Post by thestoryteller » Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:37 pm

I knew Ellis from the very early days of the ABPA and enjoyed his company at many festivals and get togethers.

He was a great Literary friend and always willing to share his expertise with you.

Always enjoyed calling into Dubbo to see him and Maureen when we had the opportunity and always enjoyed his visits when he came to Bundaberg.

It was great to be able to help him reach out and try his hand at song lyrics and pleased to see him mentioned in dispatches
at the T.S.A. Awards at Tamworth.

You don't forget people like Ellis and Chris and I remember him with fondness.

Merv and Chris Webster.
Some days your the pidgeon and other days the statue.

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